conducted their annual survey at the SHRM Talent Management Conference this past April with enlighten results. Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs) should take a look inward to see if they are satisfying their clients’ needs and providing the best product & service to them. Below is the survey in short form with the full article found here. We looked close at this survey and asked where we stood. To Question #1: we have impacted the timeliness challenge with our Quick App process, setting us apart from other CRAs. The rest of the challenges are not challenges for Data Disclosure Services, just ask our clients. To Question #2: we are working hard on integration programs with success, and will continue to do so. With the multitude of software programs used by companies this is a never ending process. The mobile challenge is put to rest with the Quick App process as well as the rest of our program which is mobile. We will continue to work on these challenges identified in the industry to better serve our clients and those 9% in Question #4 and 17% in Question #5!
QUESTION #1: What are the leading challenges that you are experiencing with your current background screening service provider that you would like to see corrected or changed?
1 Timeliness of Service
2 Cost
3 Accuracy of Data
4 Downtime
5 Customer Service
QUESTION #2: What innovation(s) would you like to see a background screening service provider offer to you?
1 HRIS Integration
2 Mobile Ability for Applicants / Notification / Mobile Access
QUESTION #3: Has your company changed its use of criminal background checks as a result of the EEOC or OFCCP New Guidance on use of arrest and criminal records?
67% No Change
15% Don’t Know
14% Increased Use
4% Decreased Use
QUESTION #4: What is your level of satisfaction with your current provider?
64% Extremely Satisfied or Very Satisfied
9% Somewhat Dissatisfied or Totally Dissatisfied
QUESTION #5: Are you considering changing your current background screening provider in the next 12 months?
17% Definitely Plan to Change
41% Undecided
Geography of participants / Company size:
<100 8%
100-999 54%
1000-4999 25%
>5000 13%
Survey results provided by:
W. Barry Nixon,